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Platform-specific Smartcard Model (1)

The platform-specific class diagram contains only those classes that are relevant for the platform. The types of the attributes are replaced by datatypes of the platform. In the smartcard PSM  e.g. the type Number is replaced by short, a String is converted into a byte array representation. The methods used for communication with a terminal are stored in a class called SimpleComm which is a superclass of class Copycard. This class implements the javacard.framework.Applet class. The stereotypes <<HashData>>, <<PlainData>> and <<SignData>> are replaced by interfaces.

The communication with a smartcard is done using Application Protocol Data Unit's (APDU). An APDU is a byte arrays that has a predefined format. To send a message to a card, it is necessary to serialize the message objects into byte arrays. After receiving an APDU, the byte array representation of a message object has to be deserialized. The se-/deserialization of messages is application-specific and is generated automatically (without Reflection, since JavaCard does not support Reflection). The class Coding contains method to serialize (encode) an deserialize (decode) message objects. The class Code defines a typflag for every class that has to be serialized which is used for serialization.

The class Store contains the object management of the smartcard. Since JavaCard has no garbage collection, the allocated memory is never deallocated. For this reason, one has to be careful with creation of objects. The SecureMDD  project solves this problem by generating an object manager (Store) that creates all required objects in advance. If the smartcard component (e.g. the Copycard) needs an object during a protocol run, it requests this object from the Store.  

          Class Diagram smartcard PSM

Deployment Diagram Copycard  

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